Terraform Provider for Dell Apex

Release Notes 1.0.0-beta.2

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This release note contains supplemental information about Terraform Provider for Dell Apex.

Revision history

The table in this section lists the revision history of this document.

Table 1. Revision history

Revision Date Description
01 January 2024 Alpha release of Terraform Provider for Apex 1.0.0
30 May 2024 Beta release of Terraform Provider for Apex 1.0.0
28 June 2024 Beta.2 release of Terraform Provider for Apex 1.0.0

Product Description

The Terraform Provider for Dell Apex allows Data Center and IT administrators to use Hashicorp Terraform to automate and orchestrate the provisioning and management of Dell Apex resources.

New features & enhancements

Features : N/A


  • AWS API changes
  • Update schema for Block Storage and File Storage Resources
  • File Storage Resource Code Cleanup

Known issues

There are no known issues


To authenticate with Apex, the Auth scripts must be configured ahead of running the Terraform commands. Currently we support Okta and Microsoft Entra Identity Management solutions. Details regarding setting up the scripts can be found here: https://github.com/dell/terraform-provider-apex/blob/main/scripts/saml_script/README.md


The software package is available for download from the Official Terraform Registry as well as from the Terraform Provider for Apex GitHub page.



Product Guide